Few Americans remember Operation Cast Lead. Jews in America were told Israel had to finish off Hamas in order to protect itself. We can’t get into exactly how fanciful and utterly false everything American Jews are told or even the childishly ignorant statements President Obama and Secretary Clinton make on a regular basis. They make me cringe. They should make all of us here in America ashamed, Jews and non-Jews alike.
Every TV show that presents Palestinians as terrorists is the same. Wait for the credits. The people who are responsible for the devastation and butchery that you will see in this video, made these television shows. Israeli-Americans produce up to 400 TV shows each year with absurd racist depictions of Muslims, cartoonish propaganda meant to terrorize and mislead and cover their tracks.
American sponsors, automobile companies, soft drinks, sexual enhancement products finance this propaganda. Everyone involved knows they are doing something wrong but they do it anyway. We call this a “double standard.” What it is, more accurately, is complicity in war crimes.
Former President George W. Bush can no longer travel outside the United States for fear of arrest nor can many members of his administration. The reason is that they face arrest for war crimes. Is Gaza about war crimes? You decide. Others have been talking but money and power drowns them out. Those who speak out lose their jobs as with Helen Thomas or become ill and die under mysterious circumstances.
Those who lie, the media, our politicians, our pundits, get stem cell treatments in Israel, their companies get fat contracts, their TV shows get huge sponsors, great time slots and can never be cancelled. Their internet sights get top ratings from Google and are never hacked.
Write a book that endorses the lie and watch it go “best seller” before it hits print.
What Israel is doing, we are told from so many places today, not just the Middle East, but Europe, Canada, Australia, is “just like Hitler and the Nazis.”
Watch the video. If it fits, then use it, but you decide. What you will see is true. Little else you see is true, this is true, this is fact, this is fair, this is balanced, this is honorable.
Source: Veterans Today
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